
Laser Hair Removal

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Laser hair removal is an advanced cosmetic procedure that uses laser technology to eliminate unwanted hair on various body parts. This treatment targets hair follicles with laser light pulses, destroying the hair at the root. It’s an effective solution for permanently reducing hair growth, providing smooth, hair-free skin for extended periods.

Ensure your skin is clean, without makeup, lotions, or creams before the treatment.

Avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks before your session to prevent hyperpigmentation or irritation.

Do not wax, tweeze, or use any hair removal method that extracts the hair from the root before treatment; the laser needs the follicle intact.

Communicate any medications you’re taking to the specialist, as some can influence your skin’s sensitivity to the laser.

Do not undergo laser hair removal if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding due to the lack of studies on the effects in these conditions.

Avoid the treatment if you have sun-tanned skin or have used tanning beds, as the laser acts on pigmentation and could cause damage.

If you have a history of skin disorders like keratosis or photosensitivity, consult with a physician first.

It’s not recommended for individuals taking photosensitizing medications, as they can increase the risk of burns.

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